# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing! VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" # Box metadata location and box name BOX_URL = "https://oracle.github.io/vagrant-projects/boxes" BOX_NAME = "oraclelinux/7" # UI object for printing information ui = Vagrant::UI::Prefixed.new(Vagrant::UI::Colored.new, "vagrant") # Define constants Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION)do |config| # Use vagrant-env plugin if available ifVagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-env") config.env.load(".env.local",".env") # enable the plugin end # VM name VM_NAME = default_s('VM_NAME', 'oracle11g-vagrant-whx') # Memory for the VM (in MB, 2048 MB = 2 GB) VM_MEMORY = default_i('VM_MEMORY', 4096) # VM time zone # If not specified, will be set to match host time zone (if possible) VM_SYSTEM_TIMEZONE = default_s('VM_SYSTEM_TIMEZONE', host_tz) # Listener port VM_LISTENER_PORT = default_i('VM_LISTENER_PORT', 1521) VM_LISTENER_HOST_PORT = default_i('VM_LISTENER_HOST_PORT', 1521) # Oracle Database password for SYS and SYSTEM accounts # If left blank, the password will be generated automatically VM_ORACLE_PWD = default_s('VM_ORACLE_PWD', '') end # Convenience methods defdefault_s(key, default) ENV[key]&& ! ENV[key].empty? ? ENV[key] : default end
defdefault_i(key, default) default_s(key,default).to_i end
defhost_tz # get host time zone for setting VM time zone # if host time zone isn't an integer hour offset from GMT, fall back to UTC offset_sec = Time.now.gmt_offset if(offset_sec % (60 * 60)) == 0 offset_hr = ((offset_sec / 60) / 60) timezone_suffix = offset_hr >= 0 ? "-#{offset_hr.to_s}" : "+#{(-offset_hr).to_s}" 'Etc/GMT'+ timezone_suffix else 'UTC' end end
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION)do |config| config.vm.box = BOX_NAME config.vm.box_url = "#{BOX_URL}/#{BOX_NAME}.json" config.vm.defineVM_NAME # Provider-specific configuration config.vm.provider"virtualbox" do |v| v.memory = VM_MEMORY v.name = VM_NAME end config.vm.provider :libvirt do |v| v.memory = VM_MEMORY end
config.vm.network :private_network, ip: "" # add proxy configuration from host env - optional ifVagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf") ui.info"Getting Proxy Configuration from Host..." has_proxy = false ["http_proxy","HTTP_PROXY"].each do |proxy_var| ifproxy = ENV[proxy_var] ui.info"HTTP proxy: " + proxy config.proxy.http = proxy has_proxy = true break end end
["https_proxy","HTTPS_PROXY"].each do |proxy_var| ifproxy = ENV[proxy_var] ui.info"HTTPS proxy: " + proxy config.proxy.https = proxy has_proxy = true break end end
ifhas_proxy # Only consider no_proxy if we have proxies defined. no_proxy = "" ["no_proxy","NO_PROXY"].each do |proxy_var| ifENV[proxy_var] no_proxy = ENV[proxy_var] ui.info"No proxy: " + no_proxy no_proxy+= "," break end end config.proxy.no_proxy = no_proxy + "localhost," end else ["http_proxy","HTTP_PROXY", "https_proxy", "HTTPS_PROXY"].each do |proxy_var| ifENV[proxy_var] ui.warn'To enable proxies in your VM, install the vagrant-proxyconf plugin' break end end end # VM hostname config.vm.hostname = VM_NAME # Oracle port forwarding config.vm.network"forwarded_port", guest: VM_LISTENER_PORT, host: VM_LISTENER_HOST_PORT # Provision everything on the first run config.vm.provision"shell", path: "scripts/install.sh", env: { "SYSTEM_TIMEZONE" => VM_SYSTEM_TIMEZONE, "LISTENER_PORT" => VM_LISTENER_PORT, "ORACLE_PWD" => VM_ORACLE_PWD }
sqlplus / as sysdba alter system set aq_tm_processes=2 scope=both; ---启用对队列消息的时间监视 alter system set global_names=true scope=both; ---设置全局名称为true alter system set undo_retention=3600 scope=both; --设置回滚段时间,默认是900 alter system set streams_pool_size=25M scope=spfile; --sga设置为自动调整情况下不需设置该参数
shutdown immediate; startup mount; alter database archivelog; alter system set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1='LOCATION=/home/vagrant/app/archive'; ---设置归档目录 (执行此句后,在Windows系统文件夹中看看arc文件夹有没有创建成功,如果没有,则手动创建,在执行此语句) alter database open; alter system switch logfile; --相应目录检查是否生成arc文件 (如果提示数据库没开启,则先执行alter database open;)
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sqlplus / as sysdba; create tablespace tbs_stream datafile '/home/vagrant/app/vagrant/oradata/whx/tbs_stream01.dbf' size 2000m autoextend on maxsize unlimited segment space management auto; ---创建主环境的Stream专用表空间 execute dbms_logmnr_d.set_tablespace('tbs_stream'); --将logminer的数据字典从system表空间转移到新建的表空间,防止撑满system表空间 create user strmadmin identified by strmadmin default tablespace tbs_stream temporary tablespace temp; --创建用户 grant dba to strmadmin; --直接给dba权限.
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sqlplus / as sysdba; create tablespace tbs_stream datafile '/home/vagrant/app/vagrant/oradata/orcl/tbs_stream01.dbf' size 2000m autoextend on maxsize unlimited segment space management auto; ---创建主环境的Stream专用表空间 execute dbms_logmnr_d.set_tablespace('tbs_stream'); --将logminer的数据字典从system表空间转移到新建的表空间,防止撑满system表空间 create user strmadmin identified by strmadmin default tablespace tbs_stream temporary tablespace temp; --创建用户 grant dba to strmadmin; --直接给dba权限.
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create public database link orcl connect to strmadmin IDENTIFIED BY strmadmin using '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID= orcl) ) )';
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create public database link whx connect to strmadmin IDENTIFIED BY strmadmin using '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = whx) ) )';
select sysdate from dual@whx
主数据库流队列创建 (可在plsql中的SQL中执行,登录名应为strmadmin)
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connect strmadmin/strmadmin begin dbms_streams_adm.set_up_queue(queue_table => 'whx_queue_table',queue_name => 'whx_queue'); end; /
Import: Release - Production on Tue Oct 31 23:08:12 2023
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Export file created by EXPORT:V11.02.00 via conventional path import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set import server uses AL32UTF8 character set (possible charset conversion) . importing STRMADMIN's objects into STRMADMIN . . importing table "AQ$_WHX_QUEUE_TABLE_C" 0 rows imported . . importing table "AQ$_WHX_QUEUE_TABLE_G" 0 rows imported . . importing table "AQ$_WHX_QUEUE_TABLE_H" Note: table contains ROWID column, values may be obsolete 0 rows imported . . importing table "AQ$_WHX_QUEUE_TABLE_I" Note: table contains ROWID column, values may be obsolete 0 rows imported . . importing table "AQ$_WHX_QUEUE_TABLE_L" 0 rows imported . . importing table "AQ$_WHX_QUEUE_TABLE_S" 1 rows imported . . importing table "AQ$_WHX_QUEUE_TABLE_T" 0 rows imported . . importing table "WHX_QUEUE_TABLE" 0 rows imported Import terminated successfully without warnings.