1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
| update baseinfo_tb_b_carclass m INNER JOIN ( select brand_id,class_id ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY BRAND_ID ORDER BY class_id,class_name) AS sub_index from baseinfo_tb_b_carclass m1 GROUP BY brand_id ,class_id order by brand_id,sub_index ) mi on mi.class_id=m.class_id set m.show_order=mi.sub_index;
update baseinfo_tb_b_carclass set show_order=10;
update baseinfo_tb_b_carclass m INNER JOIN ( select brand_id,class_id ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY BRAND_ID ORDER BY class_id,class_name) AS sub_index from baseinfo_tb_b_carclass m1 GROUP BY brand_id ,class_id order by brand_id,sub_index ) mi on mi.class_id=m.class_id set m.show_order=mi.sub_index;
select m1.id,m1.dim,m1.dim_real,m1.cal_order,m1.show_order, m1.cal_order + mi.sub_index * POW(100, mi.pow),mi.pow,mi.sub_index,POW(100, mi.pow) from cem_metrics m1 INNER JOIN (select distinct store , dim, sub_code, sub_index,pow from cem_metrics m2 where m2.dim like "%_$" and m2.sub_code is not null and m2.sub_code !='0' ) mi on mi.store=m1.store and mi.dim=m1.dim_root and mi.sub_code = m1.sub_code where m1.variable=1 and m1.sub_code is not null and m1.sub_code !='0' and m1.store = 'nm00012164' and m1.month=4 and m1.dim like 'REV_YS_FIN_NC_FY_$%';
select m1.id,m1.dim,m1.dim_real,m1.cal_order,m1.show_order, m1.cal_order + mi.sub_index * POW(100, mi.pow),mi.pow,mi.sub_index,POW(100, mi.pow) from cem_metrics m1 INNER JOIN (select distinct store , dim, sub_code, sub_index,pow from cem_metrics m2 where m2.dim like "%_$" and m2.sub_code is not null and m2.sub_code !='0' ) mi on mi.store=m1.store and mi.dim=m1.dim_root and mi.sub_code = m1.sub_code where m1.variable=1 and m1.sub_code is not null and m1.sub_code !='0' and m1.store = 'nm00012164' and m1.month=6 and m1.dim like 'REV_YS_FIN_NC_FY_%';
update cem_metrics m1 INNER JOIN (select distinct store , dim, sub_code, sub_index,pow from cem_metrics m2 where m2.dim like "%_$" and m2.sub_code is not null and m2.sub_code !='0' ) mi on mi.store=m1.store and mi.dim=m1.dim_root and mi.sub_code = m1.sub_code set m1.show_order=m1.cal_order + mi.sub_index * POW(100, 2) where m1.variable=1 and m1.sub_code is not null and m1.sub_code !='0' and m1.store = 'nm00012164' and m1.month=4 and m1.dim like 'BAS_NC_INVCNT_DEC_SUB%';
update cem_metrics m INNER JOIN cem_dim d on d.code = m.dim set m.name = d.name,m.cal_order=d.cal_order,m.show_order=d.cal_order,m.dim_parent = d.parent_id ,m.dim_root=d.root_id,m.pow=d.pow,m.variable=d.variable,m.val_type=d.val_type ;
update cem_metrics m INNER JOIN (select store , dim, sub_code,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY store,dim ORDER BY store,dim) AS sub_index from cem_metrics m1 where dim like "%_$" and sub_code is not null and sub_code !='0' GROUP BY store,dim, sub_code order by store,dim, sub_code) mi on mi.store=m.store and mi.dim=m.dim and mi.sub_code = m.sub_code set m.sub_index=mi.sub_index;
update cem_metrics m INNER JOIN cem_dim dim on dim.code = m.dim and dim.has_sub_detail=1 and dim.sub_detail_type=1 inner join baseinfo_tb_b_carclass c on c.CLASS_CODE =m.sub_code set m.sub_index =c.show_order;
update cem_metrics set show_order=cal_order;
select m1.id,m1.dim,m1.dim_root,m1.cal_order,m1.pow,mi.cal_order,mi.show_order,CONVERT(mi.show_order + m1.sub_index * POW(100, m1.pow),char) from cem_metrics m1 INNER JOIN (select distinct store , dim,dim_root, sub_code, sub_index,pow,cal_order,show_order from cem_metrics m2 where m2.dim like "%_$" and m2.dim_root=m2.dim and m2.sub_code is not null and m2.sub_code !='0' ) mi on mi.store=m1.store and mi.dim=m1.dim_root and mi.sub_code = m1.sub_code where m1.variable=1 and m1.dim != m1.dim_root and m1.dim ='REV_NC_SALE_RETAIL_$_AVG' and m1.store='nm00012164' and m1.`month`=6;
update cem_metrics set show_order=cal_order + sub_index * POW(100, pow) where dim like "%_$" and dim_root=dim and sub_code is not null and sub_code !='0' and variable=1;
update cem_metrics m1 INNER JOIN (select distinct store , dim, sub_code, sub_index,pow,cal_order,show_order from cem_metrics m2 where m2.dim like "%_$" and m2.dim_root=m2.dim and m2.sub_code is not null and m2.sub_code !='0' ) mi on mi.store=m1.store and mi.dim=m1.dim_root and mi.sub_code = m1.sub_code set m1.show_order=mi.show_order + m1.sub_index * POW(100, m1.pow) where m1.variable=1 and m1.dim != m1.dim_root;
update cem_metrics m set m.show_name = m.name ;
update cem_metrics m set m.show_name = m.sub_name where m.dim like "%_$" and m.sub_code !='0' and m.sub_code is not null;
update cem_metrics set dim_real = dim where variable=0; update cem_metrics set dim_real =replace(dim,"$",sub_code) where variable=1; update cem_metrics set dim_real_parent = dim_parent where variable=0; update cem_metrics set dim_real_parent =replace(dim_parent,"$",sub_code) where variable=1;